英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事

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Trivia[ | ]

  • Ziggs is the first champion designed by Meddler.[1] RiotRunaan and Harrow were the creative designers,[2] and Isso09 was part of the team which did his concept.[3]
  • Ziggs is voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz, who also voices Rumble Rumble.
  • Ziggs is named after a nickname for game designer Ziegler.[4]
  • Ziggs' smile bears a resemblance to the Cheshire Cat from the 1865 novel Alice in Wonderland, due to the lack of canine teeth.
    • Ziggs also has a similar earring to that of the Cheshire Cat from the game American McGee's Alice.
  • Ziggs' dance is a reference to the "Indian Midget Superstar". A side-by-side comparison can be seen here .

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Relations[ | ]

  • Ziggs was invited to work at the famed Yordle Academy in Piltover by the revered inventor Heimerdinger Heimerdinger. Ziggs accepted the proposal to work at the Academy, becoming the Dean of Demolitions.

Art Spotlight[ | ]


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